
Beck, L., Bernauer, T., Siegfrid, T., Böhmelt, T. (2014) Implications of hydro-political dependency for international water cooperation and conflict: Insights from new data. Political Geography, DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2014.05.004.

Böhmelt, T., Bernauer, T., Buhaug, H., Gleditsch, N.P., Tribaldos, T. (2014) Demand, Supply, and Restraint: Determinants of Domestic Water Conflict and Cooperation. Global Environmental Change, DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2013.11.018.

Bernauer, T., Böhmelt, T. (2014) Basins at risk – Predicting international river basin conflict and cooperation. Global Environmental Politics, 14:4.

Supporting material and data: International River Basin Conflict and Cooperation

Bernauer, T., Böhmelt, T., Buhaug, H., Gleditsch, N. P., Tribaldos, T., Berg, E., Wischnath, G. (2012): Water-Related Intrastate Conflict and Cooperation (WARICC): A New Event Dataset. International Interactions, DOI: 10.1080/03050629.2012.697428.

Lucas Beck, Thomas Bernauer, Anna Kalbhenn. 2010. Environmental, Political, and Economic Determinants of Water Quality Monitoring in Europe. Water Resources Research 46, W11543, DOI:10.1029/2009WR009065

Thomas Bernauer and Patrick Kuhn. Is There an Environmental Version of the Kantian Peace? Insights From Water Pollution in Europe. European Journal of International Relations 16/1:77-102.

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