Professor Bernauer's lecture at the University of Hagen, Germany

As part of the Lecture series on energy, environment and sustainability at the University of Hagen, Professor Bernauer answers the question: "Who is buying electric cars and why - and what does policy have to do with it?" The live recording of the lecture (only in German) is now available to watch.  

by Najmeh Karimian-Marnani

Please note that the talk is in GERMAN. The following description of the lecture has been translated to English:

The goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions can only be achieved by 2050 if mobility achieves net zero in carbon emissions. A complete replacement of the fossil-fuel vehicle fleet with electric vehicles powered by renewable energies is essential for this. The decarbonization of mobility, in turn, requires the support of citizens, consumers in democratic societies. In his lecture, Prof. Bernauer sheds light on the interplay between government measures and market-based mechanisms in this area. Based on various empirical studies in different countries, he explains why electric cars currently account for only a few percent of the total vehicle fleet, which incentive systems would be required to bring this share towards 100 percent, and which government measures could achieve a political majority.

The talk took place on the 13th April and the recording is now publically available. Watch the external pagelive recorded session here

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